7 Tips to Stay Fit While Travelling

It is important to stay fit while travelling but it is a challenge, as I have discovered. Living in Costa Rica for two winters and Mexico for three years has expanded my waistline much more than I care to admit. This year, my husband and I vow to change this.

We eat healthier by consuming lots of fruit and veggies, snacking on dark chocolate or nuts (in moderation) instead of chips, and exercising at least four times a week. To chill, we head to the beach and hang out with friends.

And if the pandemic is keeping you inside, these tips will keep you sane and occupied.

7 Tips to Stay Fit while Travelling

1. Work out in Local Parks

We are fortunate to live in an area where there are at least four parks where one can work out. Our favourite is about a 10-minute walk away and has four functioning pieces of equipment. It is also right across from a lavandería (laundromat) which is very convenient. We both have our routines and try to go every other day.

Today, the cleanup crew is cleaning up the leaves and debris. They do this quite often.

Remember to bring your masks in case others are working out and a small bottle of sanitizer or gloves. Some parks are now posting signs that masks are mandatory so follow the rules.  I bring some disinfectant wipes in a plastic baggie to wipe down equipment before and after I use it.

2. Eat Well


Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market

Again, we are fortunate to have access to a couple of vegetable/fruit markets, and their products are a fraction of what we pay in the grocery stores. One place carries fresh blueberries and strawberries (maybe a little pricey but so good!). Smiles and conversation are free!

We are big smoothie drinkers and access to fresh pineapple, avocadoes, and exotic fruits is a big plus. Taking advantage of seasonal fruits helps us to stay fit while travelling.

However, if you are not so fortunate, the prices in the grocery stores are usually much better than in our Canadian and American stores.


Mexican food, tacos, salsa

If you love to cook, why not take some cooking lessons and learn how to make the many wonderful dishes available in the country you are visiting? I am learning to love Mexican dishes although I haven’t reached that comfort level of ‘spicy hot’ that many here love.


Market, Chocolate, Coffee

Oaxaca Coffee and Chocolate

We also have regular weekly markets where you can buy coffee and chocolate from Oaxaca, artisan bread, lots of fruits and veggies, fresh cheese, hummus, yummy sweets, soaps, essential oils, and so much more. Buying local also helps the economy! These markets are a gold mine to help you stay fit while travelling.

3. Walk, Run, or Bike Instead of Driving/Bussing


Bike, beach, sunset

Local transportation is very economical and can take you to places whether it is to the beach or the nearest grocery store. However, you can walk, run, or ride your bike. My husband often bikes to the beach, about a twenty-minute ride from our house, and we often bike to the grocery store or the local markets. Fresh air and exercise help us stay fit while travelling! Win/Win.

Another benefit to walking is seeing sights you might otherwise miss such as our local crocodile!

4. Invest in an Exercise Mat

Exercise Mat

I recently picked up a great exercise mat at Walmart and I use it almost daily when I do a long stretch before heading to the park to exercise. Even if I am not going to the park, it is a great way to start my day. Just throw on some comfy clothes and get stretching.

5. Swim (beach or pool)

Woman, swimming, exercise

If your travels take you near a beach, bonus; resorts have pools. Our pool is in a complex and I have seen a few ladies do water aerobics in the mornings. Granted it is a bit cool right now (our winter here), but it doesn’t take long to warm up when moving around in the water. Exercising in the water is low impact so if you have sore joints, aches and pains, hit the water! You will get a workout and burn calories.

6. Join a Class (if available)

Women and Men Salsa Class

Salsa Class, Puerto Morelos, Mexico

How about joining a gym or taking a dance class? Our particular area has a couple of gyms. You can even take Zumba, Yoga, and Salsa classes (pay by the class or take a short-term membership). This is a great way to stay in shape, have fun, and meet people.

Again, check the rules. If a mask is requested, make sure you have yours with you. If the groups are too large and you are uncomfortable, practice your salsa at home with your partner! It could be fun!!


Bottle of Water, Drinking Water

Stay hydrated. With all that walking, swimming and dancing you are doing, drink plenty of water. Of course, you need to ensure your water is drinkable from the tap – in Costa Rica, it is, but in Mexico, it is not. So we keep 3 big full bottles at all times, just to be sure we don’t run out.

Tip: Out partying and want to space your alcohol intake? Drink a glass of water between drinks! Opt for wine instead of beer or mixed drinks.


Make Friends and Chill Out

Kite, sunset, beach, person

You are on vacation; stop stressing if exercise isn’t your thing. Enjoy life and have fun!

Fly a kite, do some paddleboarding, maybe snorkelling, or hang with amazing people!

Final Thoughts

There are many more ways to stay fit while travelling but these are a good start. There are many other benefits, such as meeting local people and learning their culture, tasting some amazing cuisine, and learning something new like Zumba. The key is to enjoy yourself and be healthy!



Nordstrom, High Waist Biker Shorts

Nordstrom, Mens Cargo Shorts

Zella Women’s Pocket Shorts     Pull-on Men’s Cargo Shorts

What do you do to stay fit while travelling? Let us know in the comments below.

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I love to travel and my biggest regret is that I waited so long to do it, thinking I just couldn’t afford it. I have had some crazy fun, met some amazing people, and had some scary moments such as getting locked in a shower at a campsite. For our trip to Mexico, we were able to save money by house sitting, which was something completely new to us. If this is something that interests you, then check out TrustedHousesitters or HouseSitMexico (be sure and use Code thetr6210d47b7cc90). We hope you visit often.

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